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紐西蘭警方開通封城違規舉報網站 因居民舉報太踴躍而癱瘓01網友哪裡便宜,採購,優缺點,試用,紐西蘭警方開通封城違規舉報網站 因居民舉報太踴躍而癱瘓好用,紐西蘭警方開通封城違規舉報網站 因居民舉報太踴躍而癱瘓CP值,經驗,好康,集購,下殺,免比價,去哪買?,

名人推薦介紹,紐西蘭警方開通封城違規舉報網站 因居民舉報太踴躍而癱瘓部落客,排行,體驗,精選,限定,折扣,紐西蘭警方開通封城違規舉報網站 因居民舉報太踴躍而癱瘓折價卷,ptt,蝦皮拍賣,Dcard推薦評比開箱

選購指南!紐西蘭警方開通封城違規舉報網站 因居民舉報太踴躍而癱瘓這新知
如何選購紐西蘭警方開通封城違規舉報網站 因居民舉報太踴躍而癱瘓這新知
新手選購有技巧!部落客大推紐西蘭警方開通封城違規舉報網站 因居民舉報太踴躍而癱瘓這新知
紐西蘭警方開通封城違規舉報網站 因居民舉報太踴躍而癱瘓好用
這個這新知紐西蘭警方開通封城違規舉報網站 因居民舉報太踴躍而癱瘓你不能錯過
熱門的紐西蘭警方開通封城違規舉報網站 因居民舉報太踴躍而癱瘓好用?如何選購




為方便人們舉報「封城」期間的違規行為,紐西蘭警方開通了一個舉報網站,但由於大量紐西蘭人在網站上舉報鄰居違反規定的行為,導致訪問量過高,網站開通後一度癱瘓。 ... 3月23日,在紐西蘭奧克蘭一處檢測點,醫務人員在進行快速檢測。(圖片來源:新華社) So many New Zealanders have reported their neighbours to the authorities for breaking lockdown rules that a new police website to record such incidents crashed. 許多紐西蘭人向當局舉報鄰居違反「封城」規定,導致紐西蘭警方新開通的舉報網站崩潰。 More than 2,000 people rang an emergency police line last week to report rule-breakers. As a result, a dedicated website was set up in the hope it would dissuade them from ringing 111. 上周,超過2000人撥打了警方緊急熱線111舉報違規者。因此,警方專門開通了一個舉報網站,希望人們不再撥打111。 dissuade [dɪˈsweɪd]:vt.勸阻,勸止 But since going live on Sunday the website has crashed at least once due to high demand, and registered more than 4,000 reports of bad behaviour – including people playing rugby or frisbee, and holding impromptu 「corona parties」. 但自上周日(3月29日)上線以來,由於訪問量高,該網站至少崩潰過一次。人們在網站舉報了4000多起不良行為,其中包括玩橄欖球或飛盤,以及舉辦即興的「新冠派對」。 impromptu [ɪmˈprɒmptjuː]:adj.即興的,即席的 Police commissioner Mike Bush said the 「vast majority」 of New Zealanders were complying with lockdown rules, and were 「passionate and determined」 to make others toe the line as well. 紐西蘭警察總長邁克·布希表示,「絕大多數」紐西蘭人都遵守了「封城」規定,他們熱情高漲,決心讓其他人也遵守規定。 toe the line:遵守規定,服從命令 ... 3月23日,在紐西蘭奧克蘭一處檢測點,工作人員在等待為有初步疑似新冠肺炎癥狀的人在車上進行快速檢測。(圖片來源:新華社) Three people had been detained for ignoring the rules, and one person remained in police custody, Bush said. Campervans with tourists travelling the country has been a persistent problem and it was 「concerning」 to see hundreds of people out on Wellington waterfront – an issue that may need further attention, the commissioner warned. 布希說,有3人因無視規定而被拘留,1人仍在警方羈押之中。他警告稱,遊客駕駛露營車在紐西蘭遊玩這個問題一直存在,在惠靈頓海濱看到數百人外出「令人擔憂」,這些問題可能需要進一步關注。 Although some incidents have warranted genuine police attention – such as bonfires at Muriwai beach and backpacker parties in Queenstown – other reported incidents were not a problem, including joggers and dog-walkers sticking to their own neighbourhoods – exercise that has been sanctioned by the prime minister. 舉報的事項中有一些確實引起了警方的注意,比如穆里懷海灘的篝火和皇后鎮的背包客聚會,但其他的舉報事件根本不是個問題,比如,僅在自己社區內慢跑和遛狗的人,這些鍛鍊活動已經得到了紐西蘭總理的批準。 A police spokesperson said: 「Not every one of these over 4,000 reports will result in a visit from police. For example, some are reports of people jogging or walking past. People are of course allowed to do this within their own neighbourhoods. We have been attending where there are large groups of people congregating.」 警方一名發言人說:「這4000多項舉報中,並非每一項都會被警察找上門。」例如,有些是關於人們慢跑或散步的舉報。人們當然可以在自己的社區內這樣做。我們一直在關注的是人群大規模聚集。」 However, there remains confusion and debate as to what activities are permitted under lockdown, with some people under the impression that they cannot leave their homes under any circumstances, while others are continuing to walk, surf, run and play golf. 然而,對於在「封城」命令下可以進行哪些活動,仍存在困惑和爭論,一些人認為在任何情況下都不能離開家,而另一些人則繼續散步、衝浪、跑步和打高爾夫。 「You need to stay in your bubble,」 a man screamed at an Auckland woman and her family on Browns Bay beach over the weekend, in a video posted online. 「You』re putting everyone at risk.」 上周末發布在網上的一段視頻中,一名男子在奧克蘭布朗斯灣海灘對一名女子和她的家人大喊:「你們要待在自己的家裡。你們這樣是讓大家都身處險境。」 The family screamed back that they were walking only with people from their 「bubble」 and the activity was allowed, but the woman said the incident had terrified her three children. 這家人大喊著回應說,他們只是在和家人一起散步,這種活動是允許的,但這名女子說,這件事嚇壞了她的三個孩子。 「There’s no chance that we』ll get our three boys to the beach again for a family walk, absolutely none,」 she said. 她說:「我們再也不可能帶著三個兒子到海灘上一起散步了,絕對不可能。」 ... 3月23日,在紐西蘭奧克蘭一處檢測點,醫務人員穿行在檢測車道。(圖片來源:新華社) Many New Zealanders reported similar instances of verbal abuse while out and about in their neighbourhood, and some say community Facebook pages had become full of abuse and threats. 許多紐西蘭人報告稱,他們在社區附近活動時,遭遇了類似的言語侮辱事件,一些人說社區的臉書頁面已經充滿了侮辱和威脅的言論。 John Ombler, who is co-ordinating the government’s response to the crisis, said some outdoor activity was permitted, and Ardern had also repeatedly endorsed the need for 「fresh air」 during the four-week lockdown. 負責協調政府此次危機應對措施的約翰•奧布勒表示,政府允許人們進行某些戶外活動,紐西蘭總理阿德恩也多次表示,在為期四周的「封城」期間,人們需要「新鮮空氣」。 「You can leave the house for physical exercise by yourself or with other members of your household, stick to your bubble,」 Ombler said. 「By all means, go for a short walk or run in your neighbourhood.」 奧布勒說:「你可以自己出門鍛鍊,也可以和家人一起鍛鍊,但一定要堅持只和自己家人在一起。無論如何,只在你住的社區散散步或跑跑步。」 The Mental Health Foundation of New Zealand, a charity, said on its website the lockdown was 「scary」 for many people: 「It’s a tense time for most of us」. 慈善機構紐西蘭心理健康基金會在其網站上表示,對許多人來說,「封城」是「可怕的」,「對我們大多數人來說,讓人緊張」。 A numbers of District Health Boards (DHBs) around the country have also issued pleas for New Zealanders to stop abusing confirmed Covid-19 cases online. 紐西蘭一些地區衛生委員會也呼籲人們停止在網上辱罵新冠肺炎患者。 Hawke’s Bay DHB said it was 「unacceptable」 and people needed to show calm and restraint. 「We understand there is a high level of anxiety in the community, but it is not acceptable to attack people who have been caught up in this pandemic,」 said Hawke’s Bay medical officer Nick Jones. 霍克灣地區衛生委員會說,這是「不可接受的」,人們需要表現出冷靜和克制。霍克灣衛生官員尼克·瓊斯說:「我們知道,社區里的人非常焦慮,但是我們不能接受有人攻擊新冠肺炎患者。」 New Zealand has 589 confirmed cases of coronavirus, and a number of 「clusters」 had begun to emerge, the prime minister said, including from an Auckland pub, a wedding and a recent conference. 紐西蘭總理表示,目前紐西蘭新冠肺炎確診病例達589例,而且已經開始出現數起「聚集性發病」,包括在奧克蘭的一家酒吧,一場婚禮和最近的一次會議上。 Ardern announced a new website on Monday for Kiwis to report incidents of 「price gouging」 by supermarkets. 紐西蘭總理阿德恩本周一(3月30日)宣布,人們可以在一個新開通的網站上舉報超市「價格欺詐」行為。 Cabinet met for the first time ever by Zoom on Monday, Ardern said, and she had been heartened that more than 6000 medical professionals had volunteered to come out of retirement and fight the virus. 阿德恩說,內閣本周一(3月30日)首次使用Zoom召開會議,6000多名退休的醫療專業人員自願重返一線抗擊病毒,這讓她很受鼓舞。 英文來源:衛報 翻譯&編輯:yaning 來源:中國日報網








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